What is a Vaccine Passport and How to Get It?

    What is a Vaccine Passport and How to Get It?

    According to the UK government, the travel activities may be resumed from 17 May. This will be 19 weeks after travel was declared banned in the UK. More countries will follow the UK in reopening the travel again, but people will require to provide various documents, including vaccination status and coronavirus reports.

    What is a Vaccination Passport?

    The word ‘vaccination passport’ doesn’t mean a specific passport; it will instead have more details than just the vaccination details, including proof of vaccination, results of tests of those people whose vaccinations are yet to come, history of the travel if he ever had coronavirus or recovered from it. This information is necessary to know that the traveller has less possibility of transmitting coronavirus, but a documented proof is needed.

    This Covid Health Certificate will allow people to go through securities and restrictions easier than ever. There will be name, surname, date of birth, date of vaccination, and type of batch.

    How to Get Covid Health Certificate?

    As there are no international agreements, you can't get a covid health certificate at the moment. Airlines, countries, and the European Union are coming up with their solutions to provide Covid Health Certificate. If countries just give away the health database of its citizen to airlines and other companies, it will raise serious privacy issues. The only solution to this problem is that the authorities of each country should provide this certificate in a format which is accepted all around the world.

    How is Europe Dealing with This Situation?

    Most of the countries have proposed digital green certificates, which is the best idea yet to be presented. Most likely, it is to be perceived positively worldwide. According to the EU, this certificate will have a QR code in it with wet signatures of the concerned offices; this QR code will provide all the necessary information. This certificate will be issued by the respected health authorities of each country.

    The European Commission is setting up a system that will verify all the signatures on the certificates across the EU. It doesn’t mean that the sensitive data of health authorities of each country will be shared with other countries.

    According to the European Commission, “Only the validity and authenticity of the certificate is checked by verifying who issued and signed it.”

    The data of the Green Certificate will be secured with the country which issued it. The EU is also working with World Health Organization to ensure that this certificate works in every country.

    When These Certificates Will Be Issued?

    According to the European Commission, the digital green certificates will be available around summer.

    How Is the UK Dealing with All This?

    At the moment, nothing can be said. But last November, the UK government has shown interest in issuing a sort of covid vaccine passport which will contain the information of the traveller explaining that the traveller is safe to enter a country. According to the Global Travel Taskforce, there should be a system through which each country can validate the covid situation of the traveller.

    According to the report, “The global harmonization of measures will simplify travel between countries, strengthening public confidence in international travel, and enable travel to be more quickly re-established between countries.” The government should develop a system for the vaccinated person so that he/she can easily travel across the country. European Union has already started working with other countries to build such a system to improve international travel


    More than 33 million adults have got vaccinated in the UK, but a not single one of them received any certificate about it.

    What Other Options Do I Have?

    You can prove your vaccination status on NHS Digital App, but you should know crucial details like vaccine type and batch number. The UK does give the vaccinated people a vaccination receipt, but having this receipt doesn't have enough information to meet international requirements. You can also ask your doctor to provide you with a letter stating your personal information and vaccination details.

    What Else is Out There?

    CommonPass, a joint effort between The Commons Project (a Swiss non-revenue driven manufacturer of advanced stages for networks), the World Economic Forum, and others, is being utilized, all things considered – however on a limited scale.

    Travellers on JetBlue flying from Boston to Aruba who takes the obligatory Covid test from one of the aircraft's perceived suppliers can have their subtleties imparted to the related Common Trust Network – and don't require an exceptional application. They just have their international IDs checked on appearance, and the information base will educate the experts on the Caribbean island that they have been tried.  Such a framework is much the same as Esta, the online authorization expected to enter the US. Assuming you are appropriately enlisted and authorize, the carrier will be given the green light by swiping the "machine-lucid code" in your regular visa.

    CommonPass welcomes explorers to "Offer your present wellbeing status so you can securely get back to travel and life". The recommendation is: "CommonPass conveys a straightforward yes/no answer concerning whether the individual meets the current passage models, yet the hidden wellbeing data stays in the person's control."

    What Other Developments Airlines Made?

    International Air Association has developed an app-based system known as Travel Pass has been adopted by many airlines. This system works with the already established Titanic database to check passengers’ validity and authenticity of the travel.

    Singapore Airlines was the world's first carrier to guide the Movement Pass versatile application for advanced wellbeing check for travellers heading out from Singapore to London Heathrow up to 28 March 2021.  Although the Travel Pass didn't all alone give adequate verification of a negative test to agree with UK travel rules, voyagers also needed to bring an actual duplicate of their wellbeing declaration gave by the facility where they took their Coronavirus test. There are handfuls more choices, from independent aircraft applications like Ryanair to an assortment of potential arrangements, which might hamper normalization worldwide.

    They incorporate AOKpass (working with Etihad between Abu Dhabi and Paris) and VeriFLY.